Library services
In-School Loan. This loan is only for in-library use or in-class use. The book must be returned the same day it was checked out. The maximum number of in-school loans per student is three.
Only three books are allowed per student for in-school loans.
Out-of-School Loan. This loan allows the student to check-out a total of 4 books at a time for a week. You can renew a book three times if necessary.
*kindergarten students may only check-out three o books at a time
Inter-Library Loan. It is the lending libraries between IAS and CES. This service should ask the librarian to turn perform the steps of the other library loan .
Audio-Visual Loans. This service is only available for teachers. In the event a student needs this service, consent must be given by a teacher, a parent or guardian.
​NOTE. Each elementary student may only be allowed four loans simultaneously.
Using computers. The library has three computers designed for electronic consultation and research and development of tares . Students can make use of them .
Bibliography and thematics units. The library and librarians create and preparing some bibliographical list and cataloging records, is responsible for these behind-the-scenes procedures: acquisition, cataloguing, processing, and allocation of materials, as well as records maintenance for display on the online catalogue.The work of Bibliographic Services falls into three main stages:
The Acquisitions stage involves the ordering and purchasing of library material for addition to stock, including books, music recordings and scores, DVDs, videotapes, CDs and multimedia
The Cataloguing stage involves creating an accurate record on the library catalogue for each item added to stock, allocating a classification number based on the subject of the item, and processing it so that it is ready for use
IAS and CES Libraries' resources comprise one comprehensive collection of stock available to users throughout the network of service points; an effective stock-management mechanism — timely distribution of items to libraries, effective evaluation of stock, and the monitoring of resources generally — is essential in getting the right book (or other item) to the right person at the right time.
Challenged Materials Policy
1. The library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval but solely on the basis of the principles set forth in this policy.
2. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library materials will be sequestered, except to protect it from injury or theft.
3. Responsibility for reading and the use of the library by children rests with their parents or legal guardians.
4. Patrons requesting that an item be withdrawn from the collection may complete a "Request for Reconsideration of Materials" form. Once the form has been fully completed and returned to the Library Director, the inquiry will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. Their decision will be final.